After leaving her corporate role in 2021 due to burnout, creative marketer Alexa Phillips was ready for a fresh start and a new career challenge. She launched Bright Eyes Creative, a boutique consulting studio, to offer creative marketing solutions for startups and small businesses. She has over 10 years of professional writing experience, developing her own blog about content marketing and contributing to consumer publications and marketing blogs. She’s also worked with Fortune 500 tech companies on social media, marketing campaigns, and product launches. Here’s a glimpse into how she structures her work days as an independent creative marketer.
How long have you been a freelance marketer and consultant?
I’ve been freelancing in some capacity since 2017. I started my business as a side hustle while I was working full time as a Content Marketing Specialist and Social Media Manager at TIBCO Software. I transitioned to running my business full time in 2021 because I was burned out from the demands of a corporate role and needed a change. I also wanted a way to do work that allowed me to use all of my areas of expertise and passions, something I wasn’t getting just doing one specific role. At the time, I was also moving from Denver to Seattle, so I saw it as the perfect opportunity to have a fresh start. I started my business with the intention of running it full time someday—it just happened sooner [than expected]! Now that I’m doing it, I don’t think I’d have it any other way.
Where are you based?
Seattle, WA.
Now let’s get into your routine! Do you have set hours that you work?
Usually, I try to keep the hours of roughly 9 to 5, but it fluctuates based on what I have going on in my days. I work Monday to Thursday and use Friday as a flex day to either work if I fell behind during the week or do life admin tasks like appointments and errands.
Where do you usually work from?
I work from home and I’m in a one-bedroom apartment, so my living room doubles as my “office.” In small apartments, it’s key to create zones to separate areas, so I created a little work zone for myself where I have my desk facing out to a window (hello, natural light!) with my craft cart (which houses all of my creative supplies). If I’m not working from my desk, I’ll curl up on the couch with a lapdesk. I have an amazing reading chair on my patio, so on warm days, I will take my computer and work out there. If I really need a change of scenery, I will walk or drive to a local coffee shop. My dream is to have a closed-door office where I could make it messy, spread out, and just have a creative space separate from the rest of the other living areas.

As a freelance marketer, Alexa has the flexibility to change up her scenery and work from her local coffee shop.
Tell us about your morning. Do you have any morning rituals or routines?
Depending on when I go to bed, I usually wake up between 7 and 8 to start my day. I have a simple morning routine where I make coffee, sit on my couch, and do a little journaling and reading. I’m a huge fan of Morning Pages, a concept made popular by Julia Cameron in her book, “The Artist’s Way.” You essentially write three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing first thing in the morning. It’s designed for you to get everything weighing on your mind out on paper, freeing your brain to do your best creative work. I’ll then read through my email newsletters (my favorite is the Morning Brew) and make breakfast. Lastly, I get ready for the day and sit down to plan the day. Creating a morning routine changed my life, as it gets me in the right headspace to start the day.
What does the rest of an average work day look like for you?
I start my day with “admin” tasks: going through emails, Slack community messages, etc. Then I’ll usually move into one block of client work, break for lunch, then another one. On the days I’m not doing client work, I’m usually working on a business project or education. Currently, I’m working on building my graphic design skills so I can offer brand design as a service since it complements the other services I offer.
Do you take a lunch break? What’s your go-to lunch?
Yes, I usually take an hour for lunch. The length of time is totally unintentional—by the time I prepare my lunch, eat it, and get back into work, it takes about an hour! One of my favorite things to do over my lunch is a “lunch and learn” with myself, where I catch up on any webinars I signed up for and missed. My go-to meal is any type of salad—one with greens, pasta salad, or chicken/tuna salad. I can make it ahead of time and it lasts me the whole week.
What time do you typically log off and how do you spend your after-work time?
I try to log off between 5 and 6. I’ll workout or go on a walk, eat dinner, then relax. I balance my evening time with TV, working on a creative project, or reading.

Alexa’s independent marketing career allows her to make time for fun, like seeing her favorite artists live.
Do you do anything to transition out of your work day?
I am trying to get better at having a work wind-down routine. I try to keep a “work wins journal” where I jot down three things that happened each day, and that’s how I would ideally like to end my day.
Is there anything you wish you could change about your current routine or work schedule?
I want to build in more “flex time,” where I feel like my days don’t have to be packed to the brim and I can take things slower.
Is there anything else you want to share about your routine and how you find work-life harmony as an independent marketing professional?
Don’t over-schedule your days. Pick one to three tasks that you absolutely must do. That way, you can budget more time in case things take longer than expected and have some flexibility in your days.
Are you a freelance marketer who’s built a career that truly lights you up? Would you like to share your ‘day in the life’ story? We’d love to hear from you at!