What’s next

According to current estimates, there are sixty million full- or part-time freelancers in the US, and an equal or greater number around the world. As freelancing becomes more prominent and as more companies treat freelancers as a regular and ubiquitous part of their flexible, blended workforce, freelance management systems place an increasingly important role. Over the years I’ve introduced readers to many freelance management systems, and in an upcoming article will introduce you to another fast growing and innovative startup: My Base Pay. As interest and dependence on freelancing continues to grow, the complexity and importance of effective and efficient administration increases, and direct sourcing becomes a larger part of the total freelance revolution, we see the freelance ecosystem that is larger, growing, and profitable. Remember Sutter’s Mill, the start of the California gold rush of the 19th century? As one historian pointed out, the real money wasn’t made by miners. Real enduring wealth like Levi’s was made selling miners food, supplies and services. Could it be true in the freelance revolution as well? We’ll see.

Viva la revolution!