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Adweek’s Off Madison Podcast: Ep. 2 – Women Create the Roadmap featuring We Are Rosie founder Stephanie Nadi Olson

by | Aug 19, 2022

Off Madison ave.

Originally posted on Adweek’s Off Madison Podcast by Al Mannarino, August 19, 2022.

When we talk about DEI, one of the more prevailing questions that remain is, where are our women leaders? What happened to the wealth of female leadership that was promised years ago?

But there’s a very simple answer for that: Women leaders are everywhere! It’s not a matter of a lack of available talent. It comes down to a lack of available opportunities.

In episode two of Off Madison, Adweek’s creative and inclusion editor Shannon Miller chats with Adweek’s Boston-based senior agencies reporter, Olivia Morley, to discuss the state of equitable leadership within the industry. Miller then heads back to New York to talk to Adweek’s community editor Luz Corona about her agency experience and the lack of women of color in leadership positions.

The last stop on this week’s episode is Atlanta, Ga., where Miller speaks to Stephanie Nadi Olson, founder and CEO of We Are Rosie, about the formation of her company and what she hopes her work will impact the future of the industry.

Stream the first episode below, listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, or find it on Spotify.