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Adweek: We Are Rosie Founder on She Runs It 2021 Working Mothers of the Year list

by | Feb 22, 2021

Originally posted on Adweek, February 22, 2021.

We’ve always known that working moms are superheroes, but the past 12 months have proven there really isn’t anything they can’t handle.

Each year, She Runs It honors women who have achieved stellar business results while also serving as strong role models at work, at home and within their communities. This year’s group of resilient mothers takes it one step further, showcasing the power of compassionate leadership and determination in challenging times. We have a lot to learn from them.

Read on and help celebrate them by joining the virtual awards ceremony on Feb. 25 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Read article here for full list


Stephanie Nadi Olson
Founder and CEO, We Are Rosie

After 13 years working with major brands, Olson was compelled to bust up the traditional agency structure and founded a consultancy steeped in diversity and creativity.

Productivity secrets: I ask for help—with no shame or guilt. I let my team know when I need help or when I will need a bit more time on something. And my husband and I have candid conversations about the support we need and what we can give one another, nearly daily.

Hilarious Zoom moment: My 7-year-old found this long fancy silk nightgown I was given as a wedding gift, and she was prancing around behind me on Zoom for quite a while before I realized what was happening. There are no words.

Practicing self-care: I meditate several times a week, and always before a big meeting or presentation.