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Hi Rosie!

Since you were last here, we’ve LEVELED-UP the Rosie experience in a big way. We have launched a brand new portal for our Rosies based on what you, our talent community, have been asking for.

You’re less than 15 mins away from accessing all our current work opportunities and so much more.

In our new and improved Garden, you’ll have access to:

Decorative icon representing a computer screen

A dynamic profile you have complete control over

red hour glass with yellow sand in it

Availabilty you can update in real time

Magnify Glass Eye in red

Detailed job board with featured roles tailored to you

group of three Rosie avatars

“Refer a Friend” quick links

red clock with blue timesheet ticket

One-click applications and status updates along the way

a red flower and a blue flower with a pink heart and two white speech bubbles between them

Access to all our networking, events, growth and recognition opportunities

a red flower and a blue flower with a pink heart and two white speech bubbles between them

Ability to manage preferences and choose your own adventure

All future Rosie projects require you to have a profile on this platform, so beat the rush and create your profile today!
We can’t wait to hear what you think of our level-up. Join us in the new and improved Garden and take control of your marketing journey with We Are Rosie.